The American Bell Association is a friendly group of bell collectors of all ages,
who enjoy collecting and learning about all types of bells and bell related objects.
Bells are found in every country - bells are in many shapes, sizes nd materials.
Every collector has a special fondness for the "Great Voices in the Wind".
Those fine tower bells that for centuries summoned men to worship, screamed
alarm, lamented the dead and joyously announced weddings and births.
Now in danger of being discarded for automatic sirens that easier ring, those old
friends need bell enthusiasts to foster an interest in them and carefully preserve
the relics.
The Amercan Bell Association, founded in 1940, is located in the United States
and other countries and offers the widest possible knowledge on bells and bell
related objects by means of more than 1.000 members. It is a non-profit organisation
and can be contacted directly via the following link: